Student Support
MTPS is a data-rich school district that uses multiple measures when making student decisions regarding placement, programming, services, etc. MTPS offers multiple courses to meet the needs of all students. Please click Placement Information to become familiar with the offerings and criteria for entry into these courses, the multiple pathways into such courses, flowcharts that visually represent placement, reading level measures, and honors writing task rubric information.
All of the components of determining student placement come together in the spring of each year to determine in which courses students will be enrolled for the following year. One particular component that provides the district an indication on the mastery of grade level standards is the common assessment. Common assessments are robust, standards-aligned assessments that are purposely aligned to the district’s pacing guide. This ensures that students are assessed on material that has already been taught. Once a student takes a common assessment, standards-based performance data is analyzed at the district, school, and classroom level.
Remediation/Acceleration Process:
Remediation in all academic subjects is performed on an on-going process throughout the school year. Teachers utilize assessment data to inform instruction, and the small group instruction model is utilized to review and remediate specific concepts/standards. Student progress is continuously monitored, and teachers provide feedback in a timely manner. Following a common assessment, the district employs a formal remediation plan to be sure instructional strengths/weaknesses are identified in a timely fashion. Students who need remediation or acceleration are identified and given a pathway on which to focus. Please see the below flowchart for the MTPS data process.
Support for Learning Acceleration:
Students advancing to a higher-level mathematics program for the following school year are provided support via an online program during the summer months. Progress is monitored by teachers from Marlboro Township Public Schools (MTPS) who support students as they progress through the set skill plan.
Special Education:
Before any student receives an individualized education program (IEP), the Child Study Team conducts both formal standardized measurements and informal observations to determine whether a child qualifies for special education and/or related services as well as which specific programs and goals need to be addressed. These assessments may include psychological, educational, behavioral (FBA), speech and language, and occupational and physical therapy evaluations. Every three years students undergo a re-evaluation process which allows the MTPS child study team to use the data to determine and individualize goals, objectives, programming, modifications and accommodations the student requires in order to access a Free and Appropriate Public Education.
While all students receiving special education services/programming follow the approved MTPS curriculum based on the NJ Student Learning Standards, teachers of special education then modify the curriculum to address the individual needs of students. All students who receive special education services have IEPs with targeted goals and objectives in order to meet each learner’s needs. In addition to all the data driven practices implemented throughout the district, there are a variety of supplemental programs, tools, resources, and assessments used to drive instruction in order to ensure that students are progressing on IEP goals and objectives. Please refer any specific child-centered questions/concerns to your child’s special education teacher and/or case manager.
Response to Intervention (RTI):
Response to Intervention (RTI) is a multi-tiered instructional, schoolwide framework that addresses the needs of all students, including struggling learners and students with disabilities. It integrates assessment and intervention within a multi-level instructional and behavioral system to maximize student achievement and reduce challenging behaviors.
Please click Response to Intervention (located under the Curriculum tab on the MTPS website) for more information.
Dyslexia Screening:
New Jersey state law mandates that all students be screened for dyslexia. In order to fulfill this requirement, the following protocol shall be used to help the district identify students who qualify for further assessments.
A Fountas & Pinnell (F&P) running record level serves as a universal pre-screening tool for grade 1. A Lexile from Achieve3000 (A3K) is the universal pre-screening tool for grade 2 and for students new to the MTPS district in grades 2 through 8.
Phase 1:
Classroom teachers administer Fountas & Pinnell (F&P) running records for all grade 1 students and any students in grade 2 who are new to the MTPS district.
For any students who are identified according to F&P or Lexile, the classroom teacher completes the appropriate Colorado Learning Difficulties Questionnaire - Reading Subscale (CLDQ-R) screener for elementary or middle school students.
The CLDQ-R is a screening tool designed to measure risk of reading disability (i.e. dyslexia) in school age children (6-18) which Willcutt, Boada, Riddle, Chhabildas, DeFries & Pennington (2011) found reliable and valid. It is only a screener and does not constitute a formal evaluation or diagnosis. A score of 22 or higher indicates that there are several features of a child’s developmental history (e.g. difficulty learning letters, required extra reading help) that are consistent with a reading disability (dyslexia). Reading disability constitutes a very common learning disability, affecting approximately 5% of the United States population. Reading disability is characterized by slow or effortful reading, difficulty sounding out new words, and problems with spelling. Results of this questionnaire for a score above 21 (“significant risk”) could indicate that a child may be experiencing some or all of those symptoms.
Phase 2:
The comprehensive screening instrument is the Predictive Assessment of Reading (PAR) test which assesses Letter-Word Calling, Picture Naming, Phonemic Awareness, and Rapid Naming.
P.O.W.E.R. (Parents Operating With Educators for Results):
P.O.W.E.R. is a federally-funded program designed to target instructional gaps in English language arts and mathematics for qualifying students in grades 2-5. This program is offered at the MTPS schools that qualify for funding under Title I. Eligibility for the program is based on multiple measures including district-created assessments, state assessments, reading level assessments, and teacher recommendations. All participating students are assigned a personalized learning path. Select students have access to small group coaching sessions with an MTPS teacher either before or after school.
Please click ESSA (located under the Curriculum tab on the MTPS website) for more information about the Every Student Succeeds Acts (ESSA) and the P.O.W.E.R. program.
L.E.A.P. (Learn, Elevate, Achieve, Perform):
L.E.A.P. is a locally-funded program designed to target instructional gaps in English language arts or mathematics for qualifying students in grades 2-5. This program is offered at the MTPS schools that do not qualify for funding under Title I. Eligibility for the program is based on multiple measures including district-created assessments, state assessments, reading level assessments, and teacher recommendations. All participating students are assigned a personalized learning path. Select students have access to small group coaching sessions with an MTPS teacher either before or after school.
Please click L.E.A.P. - Grades 2-5 (located under the Curriculum tab on the MTPS website) for more information about the L.E.A.P. program.
R.I.S.E. (Resources and Instruction for Students by Educators):
R.I.S.E. is a locally-funded program designed to target instructional gaps in English language arts or mathematics for qualifying students in grades 6-8. Eligibility for the program is based on multiple measures including district-created assessments, state assessments, reading level assessments, and teacher recommendations. All participating students are assigned a personalized learning path. Select students have access to small group coaching sessions with an MTPS teacher either before or after school.
Please click R.I.S.E. - Grades 6, 7, 8 (located under the Curriculum tab on the MTPS website) for more information about the R.I.S.E. program.
After-School Read-Aloud Program:
The After-School Read-Aloud Program engages students in grades Pre-K through 8 in teacher read-aloud sessions that inspire the joy of reading at all reading levels. MTPS teachers, our “storytellers,” offer read-alouds via Google Meet in a variety of formats across a spectrum of specific grades and/or grade-level bands. The read-aloud sessions are scheduled during a two-and-a-half-hour window at half-hour intervals throughout the week for an 8 to 10 week period. Students are welcome to attend multiple sessions on different dates and times, if they wish, provided the time slots do not conflict with one another.
Gifted and Talented - Elementary:
The gifted and talented programs in Marlboro Township Public Schools are needs-based programs designed for those students who, when compared to their chronological peers, possess or demonstrate exceptionally high levels of ability in one or more content areas. The programs provide additional and appropriate educational challenges and opportunities to meet the needs of these students. The curricula for the various G&T programs are created by the G&T teachers and are designed to provide appropriate challenge to intellectually and academically advanced learners.
Please click Gifted and Talented - Elementary (located under the Curriculum tab on the MTPS website) for more information about the Gifted and Talented programs for grades K through 5.
Honors Program (English Language Arts, Science, Social Studies) - Grades 6, 7, 8:
The honors programs in Marlboro Township Public Schools are needs-based programs designed for those students who, when compared to their chronological peers, possess or demonstrate exceptionally high levels of ability in one or more content areas. The programs provide additional and appropriate educational challenges and opportunities to meet the needs of these students. Placement is determined by multiple measures of the need for challenge beyond the regular curriculum. Criteria for placement in these programs may be found by clicking Placement Information (from the Placement Information page).
Please click Honors Program - Grades 6, 7, 8 (located under the Curriculum tab on the MTPS website) for more information about the Honors programs for grades 6 through 8.
Leveling for Higher Mathematics Courses:
Leveling for mathematics courses in grades 4 through 8 is based on specific placement criteria. C-level mathematics courses provide instructional materials aligned to standards that are one year above the grade level curriculum. Accelerated mathematics courses (at the middle school level) provide instructional materials aligned to standards that are two years above the grade level curriculum.
Please click Placement Information to become familiar with the offerings and criteria for entry into these courses, the multiple pathways into such courses, and flowcharts that visually represent placement.
The Principal or Vice Principal in each school, or the school counselor or math coach if so delegated, documents the necessary information.